Monthly Archives: March 2013

Couch to 5K Challenge Day 7: Zombie Fungus



Zombie Ant - Ophiocordyceps Fungus infection

Zombie Ant – Ophiocordyceps Fungus infection (Photo credit: vipin baliga)

I think that I’ve become host to some kind of parasitic alien life form that’s slowly taking over my body, or that I’ve become infected with one of those zombie fungi that creep up into your brain and make you act against your best interests. I, the one who once emphatically said “I don’t see how anyone could like running,” realized today that I like to jog. I don’t just feel satisfied that I made a goal and met it. I don’t just feel good that I’m taking care of myself. I actually like to jog.


Who is this person wearing my running shoes and what happened to Nel?


Today’s Workout


Pre-workout blood sugar: 147 mg/dl

The workout: 5 minute warm-up  Jog for 1:30 minutes, walk for 1:30, jog for 3 minutes, and walk for 3 minutes. Do it again. 4 minute cool down. 28 minutes total.


Post-workout blood sugar: 117 mg/dl